Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hip Hop Hooray: The Good, The Bad, The TRUTH!!! (Quotation-Paraphrase-Citation#4)

"Please, save the music. Please, save Hip Hop. Please, save the nation."
-Giles Babb

This quote was stated by Giles Babb, he's been following hip hop ever since it first started back in the 1970s. He thinks that the music industry has declined the older it became. This quote is really something that others can relate too because this situation has become out of hand. He's probably a much older guy, who believes that time like this needs to be heard about, and fixed by the artists who started this riot within the youth. This quote was stated to God, asking him to save the people, basically. With this quote, he also talks about the transformation of hip hop's music tone. The artist are more hardcore, the songs are mostly negative, and it exploits women.

This article was about how this man, Giles Babb, followed up with hip hop, and observed the changes and new paths hip hop was taking. He goes into detail about how the styles changed from being the truth, to becoming something so harsh. This man feels as though if the industry can't go back to what it used to be, he can do it all by himself.

Babbs, Giles. "Hip Hop Hooray: The Good, The Bad, THE TRUTH!!!." (2005): n. pag. Web. 17 Nov 2010. <>.

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